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Here are all the various videos I've made recently, which are generally light-hearted ways of expressing an important message. You can use them for teaching if you like by emailing me for the link to download, on the condition that you say nice things about me :-) and I never turn down Mini Eggs #justsaying...

Think Before you Click

Medicines waste is a massive issue and there is a lot of great work going on to counteract it. Here you'll find a quick run-through of they key issues and how we can encourage patients to pause and only order what they need.


You can find this video on Instagram and LinkedIn. Or email me if you'd like to download it for teaching. Please share!

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

My Favourite Bins

Puzzled by packaging? Befuddled by boxes? Indecisive about empty inhalers? Bamboozled by bottles? Well the solution is here in this handy video, which summarises what to do with all your used medication packets and strips. Please share!

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

The Sea Starts Here

If you're wondering what to do with that used bottle of Calpol or when you've completed a course of liquid antibiotics but there are some dregs leftover? Well, sound on, and remember that medicines should never be poured, flushed, or rinsed away! 

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

A Roomful of Hygge

If you make your workspace a lovely friendly cosy place, surrounded by inspiring and comforting objects and pictures, you're more likely to be happy at work and more productive. Try it! Plenty of tips in this video...

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Separate Your Packaging!

Most medical equipment comes in an annoying  combination of paper and plastic. So with some careful preparation you can separate these into recylable paper, and then plastic (that usually goes in domestic waste, though check your local recycling). Often packaging gets contaminated on the couch, and then has to go in tiger-bins or infectious waste. No need! You can prep away from the patient so your packaging stays clean :-)

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Clean Air For All

Clean air day was on the 16th June 2022, and a chance to promote the need for action on this aspect of our lives that dirties every organ in the body. Special guest appearances from local pharmacist Steven Shew (Tesco Askham Bar), and consultants Dr Natalie Offord and Dr Mark Andrews. Great work team!

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Wholemeal rice

Plant-based diets are the way forward now. It turns out that not only can our planet not continue to produce enough meat to feed its inhabitants (we don't have enough grazing land or space to grow their feed , unless we chop down more forests to make room for it....oh wait...), but that eating less meat is good for you anyway! I'm talking about lower risks of heart attacks, strokes and most cancers.

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Low Emissions Alcoholic drinks

Fancy a festive tipple? Well there are some companies who've gone the extra eco-mile to ensure your drinks are as sustainably-produced as possible. Check out this video to find out more about what's been going on in the alcoholic drinks industry lately.

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Ocean plastic - not cool

Did you know that most of the plastic in our oceans is from discarded fishing nets? If we can reduce the demand for fish we might be able to help with this problem, and ensure our seas are filled with a wonderful variety of aquatic life!


Other measures can help reduce microplastics in our waterways too. Choose reef-safe sunscreen, and if you go to the seaside, avoid takeaway coffee cups, polystyrene containers  and cutlery.

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Make your room a lovely place to work!

More of a political plea to ensure consulting rooms are a calming and pleasant environment for both clinicians and patients. And largely because I love this musical. Enjoy!

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Plastic gloves: 'Two Become None'

A fun and important message about the enormous mountain of plastic gloves being discarded in the NHS, and a reminder that we can safely care for patients without always wearing gloves.

Featuring a cameo from one of Yorkshire's finest magicians, original lyrics and vocals (haha) and absolutely not original backing (thank you Spice Girls, I really enjoyed reliving my teens through the medium of karaoke).


Please spread the link from the very excellent RCN at the end, to see if you can 'reduce your use' around your workplace. Thanks for watching!

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Medics in Masks

Joined by fellow climate-crisis activist and London GP Dr Tamsin Ellis, here's a little piece about choosing reusable masks. These are CE marked and a great alternative to the single-use PPE versions that seem to be filling up our waste bins or getting caught in hedgerows and waterways and damaging our lovely ecosystem.


If you must use plastic masks, remember to snip off the elastic before you sling them. You could always use it for another project, like on a home-made mask, or as an elastic band. 

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Inhalers - greener prescribing

GSK's amazing 'Complete The Cycle' scheme is sadly now closed, but we can still send used inhalers to pharmacies for correct disposal. Ensure all the doses have been used before consigning them to their afterlife!


This is a topic that will likely change over time, so any updates cheerfully welcomed.

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Lateral Flow Testing

If your work or school is insisting you carry out home testing, then you are to be grievously pitied, but don't stress over what to do with all the little bits of packaging and waste - the answers are right here!

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Eco-friendly air fresheners!

There is an alternative to aerosols! No need to spray particles into the room for everyone to inhale. You can have fun making this pretty and safely scented air fresheners

Click on the central play button, and bottom right music notes for sound.

Recycling at vaccine hubs

This is a nice little reminder of what we should be doing at vaccine hubs. If you're a vaccinator or lead nurse/GP please watch and pass on to your team of mignons.

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